The Philadelphia Group of Seven

The Philadelphia Group of Seven


The Philadelphia Group of Seven


Miracle training Class 

     I didn't believe at first that miracles where teachable until God my father taught me, so I'm returning the favor by teaching you.


     Let's start with His Grand teaching performance in the book of Genesis (Gen 1:1-31)where He started out by saying “let there be” By the time He got to the six day, He had spoken into existence everything that we can see today and everything that still is today, I call that a miracle! Well done Dad (Popa God) ! He's spoken into being everything that is (see Romans 4:17) speaking of those things that are not as though they were.

I'm leaving you a footnote here, if you're going to teach a lesson it's a good idea to leave a record and so He did, it's called the Bible.

     There was listed here in the record one exception that is and that was when He came to make man, He made him in His image and after His likeness He didn't speak him into being He made him which probably employed use of His hands, I can imagine Him taking the dirt or clay from the ground and forming man into His own image and then breathing into him the breath of life.What have we learned so far, it's that we are Spirit beings made in the image of the creator, capable of doing miracles. The tools we would use would be our spoken word and our hands.


     Our first 3 videos (  at the end of each video be sure to come back to this page to continue the lesson ) show us that there is power in the words we speak and that it affects the environment around us :


Water has a memory : (our body is over 70% water )


There is power in our hands (Mark 16:18 )



Where did the power in my hands come from and what can I do with it :


Can the power in my hands help me with bad memories and trauma:


Which is better energy healing or drugs :


What can I do till I get strong enough to heal others. :


Other things to help me stay healthy :



The Future of Medicine


Tesla once said "If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration"


Einstein one says " Future medicine will be the medicine of frequency"


The future is now. Watch the video below to see what sound and frequency does to matter.

Watch this video to see what sound and frequency does to the human body.

Go to this website to see the future of medicine using sound and frequencies by Ron the inventor.

These frequencies are designed to be played on digital devices that are available on the website of one of his distributors . ( I-guard and Stargate )



Need help , have comments call me email or text

Rev Vince Enoch


[email protected]